Henry V - Lion of England by Nick Hennegan, based on William Shakespeare's classic. Edinburgh Festival, 2018.
to raise funds for our forthcoming productions , we're hosting a special, on-line, fundraising performance of our Edinburgh Fringe hit WINSTON AND DAVID, 7.30pm,Weds-friday, 19th - 22nd february,2025. Tickets here.

The cast for the first episode of George Holmes and the 7 Dimensions.

Our next 'People's Company productions are going to be an Audio Sci-Fi Drama, 'George Holmes and the Seven Dimensions' And a new, live choir piece. We want actors, dancers and technicians who want to learn. See HERE for details.
Hear Episode Two of George Holmes - here.
We're looking for a volunteer fundraiser. See here.
Our latest Newsletter
There's a lot planned for The Maverick Theatre Company
Nick Hennegan's London Literary Pub Crawl is back every week, taking in the Soho and Fitzrovia Pubs and spaces of some of the most famous writers and artists in the world. https://londonliterarypubcrawl.com/
We're starting Writers Retreats again in Soho, London. It and could be an ideal gift for the writer in your life! https://londonliterarypubcrawl.com/writers-retreats.php
We are planning a national theatre and pubs/clubs tour of Nick Hennegan's acclaimed production Hamlet - Horatio's Tale, with the voice of Sir Derek Jacobi as Old Hamlet. https://www.hamletsplay.com/
Our production with T.T.I. of Nick's A Christmas Carol performed by Olivier Award winner Guy Masterson was selling out in the UK and ran Off-Broadway at the SoHo Playhouse, New York, USA. It's now touring in 2024 and taking bookings for 2025. https://www.thechristmascarol.co.uk/
We are recording our first Audio Drama with the Maverick People's Company (hopefully now free from lockdowns)... a 6-part, 15-minute sci-fi adventure based on Nick's screenplay, George Holmes and the Seven Dimensions. We're hoping to use anyone around the world that would like to play a part, through online recordings. If you are interested and would like to be involved, please email Nick.
And we're looking for a female and male choir who might want to workshop a female 'feel-good' idea we'd like to work on—ideally based in London or Birmingham. Again, please email Nick.
Our next Diploma in Creative Producing for Theatre And Live Events is starting in November 2024. If you are keen on making your own theatre or you are an artist that wants to self-produce. Please see https://www.theatreproducertraining.com/
Nick's Maverick Theatre Book 'Plays in The Pub' is still looking for supporters. Pre-buy a copy and get a name check credit in the book AND an invite to the launch party for you or a friend. And if you'd like to add your own experiences of Maverick - Birmingham's first-ever professional Pub Theatre - please contact Nick. We're hoping now to launch the book in the Spring, with parties in Birmingham and London. (Yep... Billesley and Soho, says Nick!) There are details on Nick's website. https://www.nickhennegan.com/The-new-Book-'Plays-In-The-Pub'.php
And staying with the pub, Nick is hopefullygoing to host some online live pub crawl tours this year. The first will be the Hammersmith Music Rock Writers Pub tour and being online means you can join in from anywhere in the world! More details soon.
Our brilliant free email company, Tinyletter, is being closed in February by their owners, Mailchimp. We were with Mailchimp, but they became too expensive for our tiny charity, so we're looking for a new supplier. I hope you'll stick with us.
Could you be more Maverick?
Nick Hennegan has been working selflessly for thirty years to create accessible theatre. More recently, we set up the Maverick Board of Trustees, unpaid volunteers, responsible for the company. If you would like to join us (a maximum of 4 online meetings per year. And possibly a few social events too!) please email - board@mavericktheatre.co.uk
Kind regards,
Maverick Theatre Company Trustee.
We are back on Tour in '25 - in Theatres AND Pubs - andOff-Broadway in New York
Our production of 'A Christmas Carol' toured the UK and appeared Off-Broadway in New York!
Are you thinking of putting on your own play or musical? Starting a Theatre Company? See 'How To Be A Theatre Producer' in Tickets or at www.TheatreProducerTraining.com
Why not follow our journey and subscribe to our free, occasional email newsletter. We NEVER share your details and you can come off at any time.
"A dazzling collection of characters. Writer/ director Nick Hennegan’s script, which is based on an idea and some early scenes by another writer, Robert Lloyd George, injects 21st-century commentary into this legendary tale-behind-a-tale set during the romantic era of the early 1800s. At the same time, Robb William’s cinematic music evokes night time storms on the lake accompanied by the tolling bells of time. Raw energy, solid performances and an engaging story..."
"This is really what the Edinburgh Fringe Festival is all about. Brilliant actors, a moving script, great music and movement all crammed into a tiny fringe venue. This is a new birth for the story of Frankenstein. It is emotional, funny and stimulating. I think Mary Shelly would approve."
"This is theatre that comes highly recommended....a masterclass in terms of acting, directing and staging."
"This adaptation of how teenager Mary Shelley was inspired to write Frankenstein beguiles its audience with verve, wit, and intense performances.”
Hear Nick Hennegan's 'The Birth of FRANKENSTEIN' interview onBBC Radio WM HERE
MP3 Nick on WM Frankenstein 2023.mp3
Maverick Interview WM - 11:06:202.mp3
Hear Nick Hennegan's 'TWO'interview on BBC Radio WM HERE
AND We're out in London every week with our acclaimed London Literary Pub Crawl.

'Adapting Classics for a Modern Audience.' Playground Theatre, London and online. Date to be confirmed.
Starting with his version of Shakespeare's Henry V in 1992 (after a drunk night in a pub!) award-winning writer, director and producer Nick Hennegan has toured the world with his critically acclaimed small-scale adaptations of some of the greatest stories ever written. His latest is his adaptation of Dickens' A Christmas Carol, a story he fell in love with as a small boy. In this informal chat, Nick is joined by Olivier Award-winner Guy Masterson. Nick will talk about the steps he takes to create his acclaimed 5* productions and attract top talent like Sir Derek Jacobi and Kenneth Branagh.
On YouTube...
2021 was a very weird summer. So was 1997, when our Artistic Director, Nick Hennegan won four awards for his new play 'A Ghost of A Chance'. But he had to deal with a small boy, a TV star, a famous director, a difficult pub and the death of Princess Diana! He kept a stream of consciousness diary - 'How To Make A Crisis Out Of A Drama' and he's been reading extracts on our new YouTube channel.
A new approach to theatre.... see the WEST LONDON PEOPLE'S THEATRE COMPANY. Free access and training!
AND new training courses for potential Theatre Producers! www.TheatreProducerTraining.com

"Maverick... a very
exciting Company."
Sir Kenneth Branagh
"I don't go to theatre really. I went to the pantomime once but never seen Shakespeare. But I fancied a pint and took a chance on Henry V - Lion Of England. It was brilliant, man. Especially the battle at the end. I'm gonna go and see more Shakespeare now. Ta Maverick." Andy. (Kingstanding Estate, Birmingham.)
Audience review - 'Henry V - Lion of England' by Nick Hennegan, based on Shakespeare's Henry V.

Our acclaimed shows, P.A.L.S. and Romeo and Juliet tranferred from the Edinburgh Festival Fringe, to London. Read some of the reviews by clicking on the stars and "Highly Recommended Show" box below.

P.A.L.S... The story of Pete, Andy, Linda and Sue (the P.A.L.S.) was a sell-out hit at its workshop in Birmingham. It tells the (true) story of four friends growing up from the 1950's to the 2000's. And the same four actors present Romeo and Juliet - looking at the rivalry between two footballing families. Both shows will be touring soon. Contact us for details.

The acclaimed Edinburgh Festival hit - featuring the voice of Sir Derek Jacobi as Old Hamlet - is now booking for 2025/6

The Edinburgh Festival Fringe.
Maverick returned to the Edinburgh Festival Fringe in 2019, with the production that started it all in 1992 - 'Henry V - Lion of England.' and Nick Hennegan's second solo Shakespeare adaptation 'Hamlet - Horatio's Tale' with Sir Derek Jacobi as the voice of Old Hamlet, to the festival. We produced both shows in rep.
UK tour and now Off Broadway, New York - Dec 2023.
'A Christmas Carol', adapted and directed by Artistic Director Nick Hennegan,
with Guy Masterson and TTI . Again, please email for details

Henry V - Lion of England, Hamlet - Horatio's Tale, along with A Christmas Carol are the first of a series of productions adapted and directed by Nick Hennegan known as Maverick's 'Pocket Classics'. P.A.L.S. is the first of our contemporary community writings.
Maverick Theatre and Theatre Tours International present
A Christmas Carol
Adapted and Directed by Nick Hennegan, the legendary Guy Masterson recreates Charles Dickens' performance of his much loved classic. See the dedicated website, www.TheChristmasCarol.co.uk