See our latest NEWSLETTER here.

We are back on Tour in '24/25 - in Theatres AND Pubs AND we've just finished at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival.

Chris Johnson on our Edinburgh Fringe Literary Pub Crawl

"A wonderful stroll through the Old Town guided by the inimitable Nick Hennegan as he shared literary stories in and in front of various notable pubs. A jolly time was had by all. A must-do if you're at the Edinburgh  Fringe.

Maverick is all about access to new audiences.  Thirty years after our first production at the Billesley Pub in Birmingham, we are now starting to tour to pubs, clubs and other non-theatre spaces - our new Maverick HUBS. If you know of a pub or a space with a function room (the size doesn't matter!) anywhere in the UK and they have £350 - we'll come to you!
CONTACT US or Email: for more details.

Casting Call - Actors wanted for a 15 minute Audio Play Pilot.


Actors will all be given £10 travel expenses… and no doubt a drink from Nick! 


Cast list for Ep 1 in order of appearance.

JAMES: Bully boy : 12-15 years old. Local accent. Just one line at start and ensemble work after that.

GEORGE HOLMES: 11 - 15 years old. Quite shy and quiet. He has no idea he has a very special power and will ultimately save our world!

DERMOT: George’s best friend. Same age, but much more confident.

LIBBY: George’s younger sister. They fight a lot, but love each other. They’re a team.

MOM (PAM): George and Libby’s Mother. Housewife.

DAD (TOM): George and Libby’s Father. Factory worker.

ANDY: 15 - 19 years old. George and Libby’s older brother. Has recently discovered the 1970’s, man!

VOICE: Ethereal. Suddenly appears through the TV.



More info from 

Our next 'People's Company' productions...

...An Audio Sci-Fi Drama, 'George Holmes and the seven Dimensions' And a new, live choir piece. We want actors, dancers and technicians who want to learn. See HERE for details.

"You’re doing a wonderful job!

And I wish you every possible success!

Your country needs you!!!"


Sir Derek Jacobi

What is the Maverick Theatre Company?

Maverick is a not-for-profit registered charity and is all about access, particularly for working class and under-represented communities.  New audiences to plays, events, publishing, radio, podcasts, films, drama and literature.  And new practitioners - actors, writers, directors, backstage and technical.  It was started on a council estate in inner-city Birmingham and launched by the Lord Mayor of Birmingham in 1994.  We started producing plays in informal spaces - mainly pubs.  Working-class writer and founder Nick Hennegan created Maverick's original proposition. "Forget the TV for a night.  Don't rent a film.  Come down the pub and see a show.  It's where it all started.  No retakes, no cameras, no going back, just live action with real people right in front of you.  Have a pint and a pie and if you don't like it you can have your money back."

Maverick has always been a bit... well... maverick!  We've started - pub theatre in Birmingham; accessible Shakespeares in Edinburgh and on tour; AirPlay new radio scripts; the Rocket Writers playwriting group; Urban Writers Retreats; The Maverick Academy; The People's Theatre Company; The Literary London Radio Show on Resonance 104.4fm; The Maverick Youth Academy; The SpeakEasy Cabaret; The Creative Producer Workshops and Diploma; The Literary Pub Crawls; - all designed to increase access to theatre and the performing arts. Most of this has been funded by individual donations by friends and artists.

"I started seeing plays at the Billesley pub. You done great. I see theatre often now thanks to the maverick. I know its about money, but the councils should pay you to come back. Me and my kids are better because of Maverick. Cheers mate. Ed."

Twinned with the mission to create a new theatre-going habit with socially excluded and working-class communities in Birmingham, London and the wider community, is a desire to include and encourage new, working-class artists and technicians nationwide. Many successful theatre professionals have started their careers with the Maverick Theatre Company.  We are now working in London and Birmingham and have created the London Literary Pub Crawl -  a promenade literary tour of Soho in central London.  Our Pocket Classics are allowing new audiences to experience great classic works in an accessible form.

We’re giving anyone and everyone a chance to experience any aspect of theatre with free training with our People's Theatre Company. (Picture right.)

We have a Literary Radio Show and Podcasts. And before Covid, we were running our spoken word nights, The SpeakEasy Cabaret, on the first Saturday of every month, in a pub! 

ABOVE: The People's Company  Henry V - Birmingham.     

Maverick operates to Equity's SAFE SPACE AGREEMENT.

Every single one of us working on this project is entitled to work in a safe space: a space free of fear, a space free of bullying & harassment of any kind. We will work together honouring our differences & celebrating the gifts we each bring to the table. We will treat one another with politeness & respect at all times &, if we are subjected to or witness bullying & harassment, we will speak out knowing that our voices will be heard & we will be taken seriously. Together we can create a safe space.

Safe Spaces statement.

Why not follow our journey and subscribe to our free occasionalemail newsletter  We NEVER share your details and you can come off at any time.

Photo: Glen Arkadieff

"I am totally in accord

with your objectives."

Dame Sheila Hancock







Pre-order and have your name included in the book as a supporter!

And get an invitation to the launch parties in Birmingham and London.

Maverick Theatre is updating and re-releasing Nick’s sell out 1997 stream-of-consciousness diary, adding photos from other Maverick shows, a brief history of a Nick (!) and his time as a radio presenter on BRMB, the B.B.C. and The Arrow and as a residential social worker and new writer.

It will also include techniques and tips for producing theatre in Pubs and non-formal spaces. AND YOU CAN BE IN IT TOO!

Be a part of Maverick's unique theatrical history. Pre-order the book and get your name or a dedication in the book AND an invite to the launch parties in London and Birmingham. 

If you have an interest in the arts and writers and literature, then the unedited stream-of-consciousness diary section of the book looks into all this. 

There’s no pretension and it touches on the death of Diana, Princess of Wales, working with Child Actors, Writing, Sexual Abuse, Ballet Dancers, R.A.D.A., Birmingham, Billesley, Shakespeare, Pubs, drinking (too much), How to Avoid Bailiffs (is there a TV pilot here?) friendships and feuds, Press Conferences, Formula One and Producing a brand new play with a soap-star, a child and a superstar director. Plus awards from Guinness, The National Theatre and The Arts Council and how deal with unexpected success. How much more do you need..?*  

“I'd not seen Withnail and I when I wrote this. But there are some similarities! And of course, we’re hoping to sell a few copies to raise some dosh for future Maverick Theatre projects.“  Nick Hennegan.  

EARLY REVIEWS. "It made me laugh out loud. And on occasion, shed a tear."  John Slater.

"Hennegan writes brilliantly and vividly about the people he encounters. A stream of consciousness that is sometimes painfully honest and often hillaious"  Caroline Moore.

"A hillarious, observed must-read if you are thinking of starting a theatre company. Or maybe you shouldn't read it!" Peter Willis.

PRE-Order. USING THE LINK BELOW.  EMAIL: You will be invited to the Birmingham and/or London Launch Party.  And have your name and dedication included in the book as a supporter!  

(Caution - parts of the book contains scenes some may find distressing.)

Why is the Maverick Theatre Company important?

  • 1) Theatre and drama are mainly accessed by the wealthiest, least diverse members of society. The Warwick Commission’s 2015 Report stated that, ‘the wealthiest, best educated and least ethnically diverse 8% of the population were still the most “culturally active”’. 
  • 2) Class often causes social exclusion in theatre and drama; “Within theatre – and within the arts more broadly – class continues to separate and exclude both artists and audiences.”
  • 3) The Arts world is often not effective in accessing socially deprived communities: “The arts world has turned working-class people into a problem to be solved rather than audience members or artists to be developed”.
  • 4) The most successful actors tend to come from wealthy, privately educated backgrounds. Famous actors such as Julie Walters and Christopher Eccleston echoed the words of the Governments Acting Up Report in 2017: ‘the arts are increasingly dominated by a narrow set of people from well-off backgrounds.’  The Sutton Trust research in 2016 revealed that, ‘42% of British BAFTA winners attended fee-paying schools when only 7% of the population is privately educated’.
  • Sources for quotes: 1 and 2:  The Guardian March 2018. 3. The Guardian June 2018. 4. The March 2016.

 1 and 2. 



What is the solution?

To address these problems Maverick, with its regular tours, People’s Company and new creative HUBS, seeks:

  • To engage youth and adults in socially deprived areas to help them explore a career in the arts. 
  • To encourage people from diverse ethnic backgrounds to get involved in drama and theatre. 
  • To help young people and adults to find their voice and empower them through drama.
  • To seek out and showcase emerging talent in acting, writing, directing and technical production. 
  • To help new audiences in social deprived communities access theatre and drama. 
  • To celebrate and energise drama and theatre in Birmingham, London and other parts of the UK, especially those identified as having low creative engagement. 

The whole essence of Maverick is about access. By staging plays and drama workshops to socially deprived communities, Maverick is seeking to empower people by providing opportunities to enter the industry. Also, to entertain audiences who might not usually experience theatre and drama.  And to encourage older adults to enhance their lives.


We'd love to hear from you.  About anything, really...!

Can you help us?

Can you help us at all?  We depend entirely on donations from caring people who want to support accessible and open theatre. 

The People's Company  Henry V - Birmingham

A Ghost of A Chance - Birmingham

The Cast and Crew of the first Maverick Youth Academy, Birmingham. 

Maverick is all about access to theatre and the arts by those who might not see them as a natural home.  

The first Maverick Youth Academy production was based at the Billelsey Pub on the Billesley estate in Birmingham in 1994. They continued for many years. A good time was had by all!

And many in this first group have gone on to become award-winningprofessional actors, dancers, artists and creative leaders.

We were at the Edinburgh Fringe again in 2022 with the  WORLD PREMIERE of a radical new play about Winston Churchill and David Lloyd George, written by great grandson and first time playwright, Robert Lloyd George.  And for the first time , we were with Underbelly in Bristo Square.

We're also back in LONDON every week with our unique, acclaimed London Literary Pub Crawl

A new approach to theatre.... Please see the

maverick  People's Theatre Company.  

Free access and training, initally created online.

Can you help? 

If you could make a donation to help us continue our work in the future,  we would be most grateful.  But we know times are tough.

Maverick is a member of the Independent Theatre Council          

 Maverick thanks West Midlands Arts and Birmingham City Council for previous support.    

maverick: n: one who acts independently

Falcon House,Suite 3, First Floor Front, 141-143 King Street, London, W6 9JG

and Birmingham, England.

The Maverick Theatre Company is registered in England and Wales, No 06367900.  Registered charity, No 1143050.


Copyright 2024 -  The Maverick Theatre Company